Hundreds of thousands of known herbs have the ability to heal, cure, treat and prevent sickness and enhance critical body functions. So, traditional medical practitioners are paying close attention to natural herbal remedies. These amazing herbs treat and prevent various human and animal illnesses. In addition, herbs hold great medicinal properties that can enhance mental attitude, external appearance, and physical performance. Many cultures, for centuries, including Indian (Ayurvedic), African, Chinese and Western Herbal Medicine have experimented with either singular or compounds of plants and sometimes animal by products to establish medical treatments for a wide range of conditions. Now, these experiments offer great benefit to create natural remedies of great value to health and wellness.
Natural remedies can be as complex as the herbal compounds used as formulas in medical facilities (pills, capsules, gels, etc.) or as simple as tea. They can be anything from directly sourced herbs to common herbs that are found at your local grocer. Some get confused (I definitely have) when hearing the term “natural” or “remedy” or by the fact that there are, as mentioned before, hundreds of thousands of known herbs! In spite of this, I’ve learned, you are possibly using some of these popular herbs as food and have them in your cabinet or on your spice rack right now including:
Also powerful, garlic is a popularly known ingredient. On the other hand, some may not know it’s used in many natural home remedies. Garlic is actually a natural antibiotic known as an allium vegetable. Use it for stronger bones, reducing cholesterol, cold and flu remedies, reducing the risk of heart disease and healthy skin. Furthermore, this powerful herb has properties for the prevention of brain and lung cancer as well as osteoarthritis. An article published by MedicalNewsToday stated, Diallyl sulfide, a compound in garlic, was 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics in fighting the Campylobacter bacterium, one of the most common causes of intestinal infections, according to a study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy [1]. Formulas and natural garlic remedies are prepared cooked and/or raw, used in capsules, tea drinks, garlic water and many other ways.
Cinnamon is an herb with an abundance of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and other medicinal properties. Its ability to reduce sensitivity to Hormone insulin and to lower blood sugar levels makes it very beneficial for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Not only a common herb/spice used in cold, cough and flu remedies, but also oils for fungal infections and tea for many natural healing remedies. Additionally, cinnamon is used as a natural home remedy for lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, indigestion and nausea and has been used for ages in Ayurvedic and Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Ginger is an herb that is great for the treatment and prevention of morning and motion sickness, relieving menstrual pain. And it is also a powerful herb for cold, cough and flu remedies for immune boosting. Naturally, it lowers risk of blood clots making it a good natural remedy for maintaining cardiovascular health. It has anti-bacterial properties to fend germs, anti-inflammatory properties making it beneficial for pain relief and makes a very refreshing drink. This beneficial herb used to make powerful immune boosting tea, ginger water, and incorporated in formulas used in traditional/alternative medicine.
Indeed, Chamomile is a great herb used for calming the nerves for anxiety relief, stress reduction, sleep and relaxation. Anti-inflammatory properties along with others soothes menstrual and muscle spasm pain relief. Furthermore, chamomile tea helps to lower blood sugar for the treatment of diabetes, cancer treatment and prevention, reversal of osteoporosis, and help relieve digestive problems. The herbal qualities are great for cold, cough and flu season by enhancing natural immune boosting functions in the body.
Peppermint is great for fighting bacterial infections while relieving headaches, menstrual cramps and improving sleep. It treats many digestion and gastrointestinal problems, improves sinus function, freshens breath, and can give a nice boost to your energy. The convenient herb is also used in natural remedies for cold and flu symptoms with antimicrobial and anti-viral qualities and properties. It is very beneficial when enjoyed in or as tea, food, and when used as an essential oil. Certainly, peppermint is quite therapeutic and beneficial medicinally as a natural remedy for many aspects and areas of health and wellness.
Anti-aging, smoking cessation, acne and many, many other conditions are also treated with natural herbal remedies from compounded plants/herbs. There is an herb for nearly everything so, get to know your herbs and spices and they can start working for you in amazing ways. The herbs and spices listed above are just the basic, everyday herb that is easily accessible for many. They are powerful, yet hardly ever used for their healing, treatment and prevention properties. Many common herbs and spices are overlooked and/or underused, so the large amount of healing qualities associated are as well.
As a result, a lot of people seek non-beneficial ways of healing, treatment and prevention. Yet, your kitchen already stores immune boosters, cancer fighters, bacteria and virus blasters and cardiovascular, cholesterol and blood sugar supporters. Granted, there are only 5 singular herbs listed here! And these are not all of their qualities. Imagine combining these herbs/spices. Then, imagine using them in different ways, getting more complex with others, and even creating your own blend with the abundance of herbs, information from even more research. And, of course, your great ability as your own healer!
Finally, these herbal products can be combined and/or used with other natural ingredients, products or herbs to target particular conditions. Natural, does not always equate to safe. There may be unwanted side effects just as with conventional medicines. However, alternative medicine has served a massive part of the world’s population. The healing practice has used herbals, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for decades. Evidently, from research, with more than satisfactory results and no adverse effects. Research is paramount. Know your allergies, limits and side effects of anything that you consume or plan to consume or use. Some side effects, quantity limits, allergies, etc. you may already know. Otherwise and when in doubt, consult your physician; and RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH! Do your due diligence.
Namaste — MsLeadn’
You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.
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