
Giddapahar Green Tea Delight


Enjoy a nice cup of Giddapahar Green Delight Tea. It is perfect for beginning sippers and has an enjoyable flavor. Made with premium Darjeeling Green Tea, it is packed with healthy agents to help lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar. Quality tea leaves with an abundance of flavor makes this a tea sipper’s delight.

Imported Direct From India!


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Harvested from the Giddapahar Tea Estate in the Darjeeling region, this Green Tea is a Second Flush prize. It is a glorious tea to enjoy during the warm months. However, you can enjoy sippn’ on this goodness whenever you’d like. Accents of Green Apple integrated with strains of honeydew gives Giddapahar Green Tea Delight it’s great reputation. This is a perfect tea for beginner sippers.


You can easily and successfully gift Giddapahar Green Tea Delight to others because it lives up to its name “Delight”. The taste is quite satisfying with the perfect combination of Premium Quality tea leaves and natural flavor. You may find yourself pouring yet another cup. It is a well-balanced tea drink that will have you well on your way to a healthier lifestyle and a tea sipping expert.


Tip: The dark yellow brew along with the crisp fruity taste goes extremely well with a nice grilled fish! Giddapahar Green Tea Delight is a GREAT SUMMER TEA!


More Benefits:

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels
Reduces Cholesterol


Tasting Notes & Aroma:

Crisp, Fruity Taste + Fresh Fruit Aroma. Medium Caffeine. Serve Hot.


Flush: 2nd Flush 2022




Giddapahar Green Tea Delight Ingredients




Giddapahar Green Tea Delight Indian Tea








Some effects may be noticeable right away as some may manifest over time with consistency. We are as unique as the natural herbs and tea leaves that nurture our bodies. Therefore, we may have different experiences. Because we all sip for many reasons, every brew will not be everyone’s cup of tea. Some like it hot, some cold and others prefer it strong and some sip it weak. Many magical tea sippers appreciate the medicinal value and some intrigued by the aroma. And while some others may sip for the taste, some of us just downright love sippin’ and Servn’ Tea! Therefore, embrace your own unique tea experience. 


Although tea is quite magical, please DO NOT use as a replacement for medical treatment nor a cure for any specific health condition.






Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg

100 gm Pouch, 100 gm Tin

Leaf Type

Green Tea

Servn' Size









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